Monday, March 16, 2009

What happens when you put your 5 year old daughter in charge of Family Night...

Thought it would be fun. It was. More than fun, I'd say...HILARIOUS.

"Okay, we are going to start with an opening song: I Love to See the Temple."

I'm thinking this is going well.

After the prayer...Alexis starts rambling about the weirdest things. So I remind her of my question I wanted her to answer while teaching us: What do you think Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to work on this week.

"Oh ya...

First: We are not going to yell at our daughters."

(hmmm...this isn't quite going as planned...but maybe brutal honesty is the way we are going tonight. But for my sake...she got in trouble before school that morning so it was fresh on her mind.)

"Second: We are going to be nice to all our friends."

(this is better...considering her paper frog has been put on the uh-oh lily pad at school because her and her two friends keep arguing during lunch. Three girls has never been a good thing!)

"Third: We are going to put a feather in his hat and call him MACARONI."

(interesting. But, we all know this five year old's mind is starting to wander about now.)

"And last: We are going to LISTEN TO OUR PARENTS."

(Carter is marching around the room with her as she states this. Trying to copy everything she says. I'm thoroughly enjoying this last goal of the week.)

"And those are the ten things we are going to work on this week."

"Okay. I don't know about ten things. I think we missed a few in the middle but that was great, Alexis."

"Wait. I'm not done. We will now ride our bikes to the beach. And I will ride my own bike."

"Alexis, it's dark. It's too late for that."

"Fine. Our closing song will be: Yankee Doodle went to Town."

At least, Chad and I got a few good laughs out of it.


Beth said...

Adorable! You wish you could hop in their heads to understand the thought process. At least she had a point in their for each of you to work on!! So cute!

Abi said...

Way too cute! I am so glad you recorded that. She is super cute! I was sad it didn't work out to go get ribbons and such. Lets get together! I need to come into the office and get my night guard fitted...we can plan then?

Heidi said...

thats so great! I love all these that you post! SO GREAT!

The Prestwich Family said...

hahahhaha Amber, I love your posts. I always read them to my roommates and we laugh a lot. I read this one and everyone was dying with the macaroni part... didn't get it til the ending song.. hahaha so so cute :)I love you and miss you all!!

{jen} iCandyhandmade said...

That is so funny!

Brian said...

You know, I really do think that if we all put a feather in our hat and called it macaroni...things would probably be better. There's definitely a sacrament meeting talk in there somewhere...if not a testimony meeting anecdote!