Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our Story: I blew it.

It’s been awhile…but here is Chapter 2 of mine and Chad’s story. You can read Chapter 1 here if you really want. I’m going to be better about this. It really is fun to reminisce.

We hung out a lot with the new group of boys we had met. The “4th Ward Boys” or so we called them. But at this age the boys we liked seemed to change on a daily basis.

Sara and Chad started liking each other and I started liking one of Chad’s friends. But I was a roller coaster. Never sure about things. Never sure about myself.

Sara invited Kim and I over to make gingerbread houses after soccer. After we were done Chad Pitt and Brent Borgquist came over to hang out. We all sat down and talked.

That’s when a girl’s worst nightmare came true.


Chad, Brent and Kim sat on the coach. I laid on the floor with my feet up on part of the coach. Sara was in the other room and came running back. Before I knew it she was airborne and heading straight for me. There was no time to move. She landed right on my stomach.

A loud noise burst out of me.

But, not from my mouth.

I froze in embarrassment. The room went silent. Sara was laughing so hard there was no sound coming from her. I held Sara on top of me as a million thoughts entered my head.

Run. Run as fast as you can. No, act cool. It’s not that big of a deal. Who was I kidding! This was huge. As if my braces and acne weren’t enough for my insecurities. Who farts in front of boys at 15? Nobody.

I wanted to disappear.

Someone said, “Amber, did you just fart?”

“NO!” I declared. If they were unsure, I sure wasn’t going to fess up.

Sara clarified, “Really, then why are you squeezing my arm so tight?”

My face was bright red and all I could do to help the moment pass was to maintain my tight grasp on Sara and prevent anyone from seeing my face.

There was some laughter. But, soon enough, everyone got distracted with a different conversation and moved on.

But I didn’t. I was humiliated. I had known Brent for awhile. He knew that wasn’t like me. I had known Chad for a few months. I had no clue what he thought of me now. It didn’t matter that he and Sara liked each other. He was a NEW friend. A cute one. If there was ever a chance of him liking me one day…it was over now.

It was safe to say I blew it in more ways than one.


Feather Fam. said...

We need to clarify a few things on this little story.
Instead of being the type of friend who "outted" you on the whole passing gas thing, I would like to think that it was me helping Chad instantly fall for you!
He thought at that moment, in your embarrassment "forget this Sara girl... give me more AMBER!"

Ashley said...

That is priceless.

Jenny J said...

seriously, laugh out loud, funny.
i love toilet humor, and when they are true stories - nothing beats that to make me laugh til i cry.
thanks for sharing.
*giggling still...*

ashley g. said...

I laughed so hard I woke up the baby sleeping on my lap!! I bet that is why he fell head over heels for you. What 15 year old boy doesn't just LOVE flatylance? I love it!

Autumn said...

Love it! I remember someone said always let the guy see you sick before you marry him, that way he has seen you at your worst! So farting before marriage is perfect that way when your married and giving him "cup a fart" in bed he knows what he got himself into!

Beth said...

Absolutely hilarious.