Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A new use for this...

This is Weiman's cooktop cleaner for glass stove tops. I have this on hand to clean my stove...but thought of another use for it.
I have been trying for days to get this horrible black stain off the bottom of my stainless steel pans. (I forgot to check if my artichoke had enough water.) I tried boiling water and dish soap in it. That usually works but not this time. The bottom of the pan was charred black. So after I cleaned my stove today I got the idea to use this on my pans. I even used it on the bottom where it gets super ugly over time.

Seriously, it was the best find ever. I already had it. I didn't even have to scrub much. I just used the rough side of my sponge and it came right off. I couldn't believe it.

SO TRY IT! Say GOOD-BYE to black spots on your pans. It is awesome. My pans look like new.


Amanda said...

That's awesome! Thanks for the tip.

Baak Talk said...

Boiling vinegar in the pot works well too. Almost no scrubbing invovled. It's a smellier alternative but it works if you're out of your other stuff!

Ashlee said...

I will have to try it! I use a magic eraser, it doesn't do much.

Unknown said...

good to know!!

Jaime said...

Congrats preggers. Another cute kid on the way. Going to Dland on Monday. Call me 949.841.1437

Jana Howard said...

I love it! you are amazing! :) It's funny how we can get so excited about little things!