When Owen was 5 days old I had figured out his sensitivity to me eating chocolate. I couldn't deny the difference in him once I cut it out of my diet.
At 2 months old he would wake up after sleeping 1 hour burping and crying like something was bothering him. We put him on reflux medicine and it seemed to help for a little while. But now after being on reflux medicine for a month and sleeping on an incline he is now only napping 30-45 minutes at a time. And I can't get him to go back to sleep for the life of me. Plus, his poo smells horrible. Like sulfur. It's been getting worse and it's just not normal when I am strictly breast feeding him.
I went into the after hours clinic on Friday wondering if he had an ear infection. Do you know what my $70 got me?
"Oh, he's cute. He look happy. I think he just like to you. That why he waking up."
Really! Is that why he's burping and crying? Don't you think he'd fall back asleep in my arms if "he just like me."
I came home frustrated to say the least. So I started researching some things and I've come to the conclusion that I think my milk doesn't sit well with him. So in an effort to take matters into my own hands...I quit eating all dairy products yesterday.
I'm already miserable. I seriously feel like I can't eat anything. Chad went out and bought me soy milk this morning. I took one bite and dumped the bowl of cereal out and opted to eat nothing for breakfast.
I finally got a chance to talk to his real pediatrician today and she completely agrees with me. She said she's had the complaint of babies poo smelling like sulfur before...and those mom's cut out dairy and it got better. So I'm hoping this takes care of it. If it doesn't work then we just have to move on and cut out other food...like wheat.
I have a friend here who just went through all this. It nearly drove her crazy. She ended up giving up soy too... do you know that soy is in everything?? Hopefully you can narrow down what is causing the problem. Good luck!
SO sorry this has been an issue...you are such a god mommy!!! Hope cutting out the dairy brings you a happier baby---and one that naps longer too! =)
not to push you to stop nursing, but if you try everything and it's still not getting better, you're not a bad mom if you switch to formula. this is coming from a mom who had to give up on nursing with my first baby, and switch to formula exclusively. i felt guilty for a long, LONG time, but now (in retrospect) I know I tried my hardest, and my son is just fine! what you eat plays a big part in maintaining your milk supply, so just watch to make sure you don't start drying up. good luck! :)
Just pulled this out of a pediatrics textbook:
Ingestion of some foods (berries, tomatoes, onions, members of the cabbage family, chocolate, spices, condiments) by the mother may occasionally cause the infant to have gastric distress or loose stools. However, no food need be withheld from the mother unless it is known to cause, or is strongly suspected to cause, distress to the infant.
Also mentioned was possible overfeeding.
It's got to be frustrating to not know what's exactly going on. Hope it gets better!
Try mother's milk tea. When I drink the herbal tea, it seems to calm our little guys tummy.
I have to cut out chocolate with our boys as well. It is worth it for sleep.
Hope it gets better soon.
I am no expert, but did they test him for the rotovirus? It is the only time remember Hannah being so miserable, and she had the sulfur poop too. (she was older though.. 18 months). They vaccinate for it now.. but I don't think they do it until 6 months. Your are a trooper, it is so difficult when they don't sleep!! The reflux doesn't usually last forever (it just feels that way) but once they can sit up it usually resolves. Hang in there.. hey at least he's cute.
Try Rice Dream's Original rice milk - it's WAY better than soy on cereal. Also Tofutti cream cheese (you can get both at mother's) is super yummy - my kids love this! Great on bagels. I don't eat dairy and I am FAR from starving - let me know if you need any ideas! You are such a sweet mommy for even trying all this!! p.s. we are excited to have your cute family in our ward soon!
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