Friday, January 8, 2010


Today should have been an emotional day...but luckily I had a friend here all day to make it better. I'll explain later.

I love these quotes on friendship. A girl in my ward gave a talk over a year ago and she read these quotes.

If there’s someone you can talk to, someone no one can replace-
If there’s someone you can laugh with, ‘till the tears run down your face-
If there’s someone you can turn to when you need a helping hand-
If there’s someone you can count on to advise and understand-
If there’s someone you can sit with and not need to say a word-
If there’s someone you can trust to keep each confidence she’s heard-
If there’s someone you think more of, as each year comes to an end-
Then you’re a very lucky person for you’ve found an eternal friend.
Author Unknown

“A friend is a person who is willing to take me the way I am but who is willing and able to leave me better than he found me.” Marvin J Ashton

“As you walk the road of life, be careful of your friends. They can make you or break you. Be generous in helping the unfortunate and those in distress. But bind to you friends of your own kind, friends who will encourage you, stand with you, live as you desire to live; who will enjoy the same kind of entertainment; and who will resist the evil that you determine to resist.” President Hinckley

This is definitely an area where I feel blessed. I have such great friends and I always love making new ones too!

1 comment:

Baak Talk said...

thanks so much from that quote from Pres. Hinkley! Such a great reminder in a house of teenagers especially!