What’s his name? Chad
How long did you date? 1 ½ years before his mission and 9 months after.
How old is he? 28
Who eats more? He eats more for dinner. I eat more for breakfast.
Who said “I love you” first? I “think” he did. But give me credit…we were 17…and surprisingly, it happened before we kissed!
Who is taller? He is by about 3 inches.
Who sings better? He has an incredible voice. But for some reason he doesn’t like to sing by himself much. I wish he did. This is one talent that has gone under the radar. I guess his mission burned him out. And me, he says I have a decent voice when I don’t make fun of the song.
Who is smarter? It depends. Math: Chad, all the way --- Science: me
However, Chad may read this and go back to us taking the ACT in High School. He took it once and scored 6 points higher than me. And, well, I took it 7 times. (Thanks mom, I know it was worth it to get into BYU!) Plus, I had private tutoring for it that I made Chad sit through it with me in High School. That’s love. He wasn’t even taking the test again.
Who does the laundry? Me but Chad will do it if he sees it piling up and I’m a basket case!
Who does the dishes? Chad will say he does more. I might have to agree. I go through spurts of being good at keeping up.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. Whenever we’ve moved apartments, I move so I am closest to the door to get a crying baby. That was a bad decision.
Who pays the bills? He does.
Who mows the lawn? Don’t have one.
Who fixes broken things? He does. Do crafty things count…because then that’s me.
Who cooks dinner? I do. What Chad? You wonder when? Recently, I have been much better at cooking. Benefits of having family close by…they call before I think of dinner to tell me they made too much. Chad makes an awesome homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs.
Who drives when you are together? He does. Chad says I’m a back seat driver. But all I do is put my feet on the dashboard, scream and yell… “Chad, stop brighting that person, don’t honk, don’t cut them off…(and my classic line)…I don’t want to be shot today!” Is that back seat driving?
Who is more stubborn? That might just be me! Don’t get me wrong…he puts up a good fight. I just take the cake for acting stubborn more often.
Who kissed who first? He finally kissed me after I asked him to a few times. I had never kissed a boy and my brother in law didn’t think I could hold off on Chad. He bet I would kiss him by the end of the summer (4 months dating). Chad found out about the bet and didn’t kiss me till after Christmas. That was 8 months after we started dating exclusively! He was my first kiss just before my 18th birthday.
Who asked who out first? He did. And it was a failure. His friend wanted to go on a double date. (My friend that Chad liked wasn’t 16 yet.) So Chad asked me because I had just turned 16. We went bowling and to Dairy Queen to get ice cream. Chad picked me up at about 6pm on a Saturday night…and dropped me off about 8pm. When I walked in the door and saw the clock, I just about died. He swears to this day, my Dad told him to bring me back at a descent hour. The best part: Chad’s Mom made him come back and pick me up because she thought it was pretty ridiculous how short the date was. So Chad did just as his mom asked. He picked me up. We went to 7-eleven and picked up 3 slurpees. Who was the 3rd one for? My friend he liked. We spent the rest of the date at her house. Oh, if only his Mom knew that then.
Who proposed? He did. He called me on my way home from a late night class when I was in Dental Hygiene School and asked if I wanted to meet him and go get Cold Stones by the beach. I invited my friends to come along while he was on the phone. Whoops! So they witnessed it. When we went to walk on the beach there was a bum selling jewelry by the pier. I kept walking with my friends. He stopped to buy something. I told my friends, “Watch…he is so going to fake propose because I keep bugging him about it!” So he walked up to me, got on his knee…and I didn’t listen…I turned around to tell my friends, “I told you!” Finally, he got my attention…and when he opened the box he got from the bum I realized he wasn’t faking it. It was the ring I wanted. The bum was a set up. One of his Aunt’s acting friends. The bum really did have the ring.
Who is more sensitive? Chad is pretty sensitive to my feelings but if you’re talking about an emotional roller coaster…that’s me.
Who has more friends? I might take this one. I stay in better contact with most of mine. Thanks to blogging. Chad says I should belong to “Blogs Anonymous” because I have an addiction.
Who has more siblings? Me. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. He has 1 brother and 4 sisters.
Who wears the pants in the family? We both do. I think it’s pretty even.
I love you, Chad! I hope you read this because this is my sorry effort at a Valentine's card! I thought...what could a man want more than this...a post dedicated to him! J/K