Friday, June 24, 2011


We had to call 911 at 2am this morning.

We woke up to Ryder choking on thick mucous. It was really scary. He couldn't breathe so Chad grabbed the bulb syringe and started suctioning. By that point goop was coming out his eyes and nose and he was starting to foam at the mouth.

We got him calmed down and breathing again...but then he did it again 5 minutes later. He's had a very dry cough for 2 weeks but inconsistent. Otherwise, no real warning.

We called 911, went by ambulance to the er, the doctor there released us since he is fine between episodes. He had another episode this morning at 8:30. We saw his pediatrician and she wanted him to be monitored at children's hospital. So I am here with Ryder and Chad is home with the other kids.

The doctors all think it's due to his reflux worse than we thought. We find out in the morning if they want to do special tests.

I have always put my babies in another room to sleep by 2 weeks. I have kept Ryder in his car seat next to my bed all along. I'm so grateful because I can honestly say I don't think we would have caught it in time had he not been right next to us.

Update: Ryder had another episode at 1am here at children's hospital. They were able to come in and hear the junk in his nose and mouth. Other doctors haven't been able to hear it because he sounds perfectly fine after an episode. They had to use the wall suction to clear him. The bulb string can't get it. He slept and woke up at 6am coughing not gagging yet. The bulb syringe didn't work again. Used wall syringe. A ton of thick yellow junk came out. He ate much more comfortably with being suctioned first. I'm glad they saw his episode because they saw I wasn't crazy and he is sick on top of an underlying reflux issue. We are both doing good. I'm grateful we can be here. He is going to have an upper GI test to see the extent of his reflux and an EKG for a mild heart murmur. We will for sure be here 1 more night since he's had more episodes here and still relies on the wall suction.


shari berry bo-berry said...

oh my goodness! we'll be praying for him...and your family. hope all is well!

Heidi said...

OH MY!! Jackson has reflux and had an upper GI when he was younger too. It really is no fun to see. I cannot imagine having to go through that when he is so tiny still. Hope you get it all figured out.

Evaly said...

I hope he gets better soon. How scary.

Anonymous said...

so scary!

Amadeus said...

Wow. Poor little guy. We're glad he seems to be doing better. We had this with Parker. It truly is one of the scariest things. Parker had horrible reflux and had to be on a monitor and take medicine to keep it down.