The river is always the best vacation ever and here is what we love about it!
1. Family Photo Shoot's
1) Picking his nose and 2) above...biting his fingernails and 3) about a month ago I found him hiding on his bed biting his toe-nails. Nasty! (And when he thinks I am preoccupied and not paying attention he starts biting my finger nails)
can't seem to understand why we want to take turns without her on it!
She likes to do tricks with Chad and surfs without the rope with me.
Maybe, next year she can master it a little better.
3. Boating
and driving it with him. Don't worry, Dad...the boat was off in this picture.
Nothing about this picture above was staged. Not the hair, arms, legs...nothing!
Carter was sound asleep when I went for my camera and my
laughing while snapping the shot woke him up.
their best behavior. No car seat, just fun! Added bonus: the kids get sleepy being so
active...they take great naps especially on the boat! It's one of my favorites. I still
remember sleeping at my dad's feet as a kid while he drove the boat.
4. Skiing
making her sink...then takes off! She just hangs on!
to ski at 15 months old last year...he decided he wasn't thrilled about doing it this year.
could never catch the rope in time. Maybe next year!
Check out his brothers flip in the previous post!
but on the 3rd day...I ate it! I landed on the wake, rather than clear it.
The board went back, I went body jerked out of the left food decided to only come out 1/2 way...
screaching me to a halt. It killed to say the least.
whipped around at ridiculous speeds...all she does is sit in the middle with
her thumb in the air...screaming "FASTER, Daddy, FASTER!"
Seriously, almost every picture of her...she has her thumb up for Chad
to go faster...I just decided to only blog one of the 20 pictures!
These were no dinky rides as you can tell. Many times...the tube flipped
and Alexis was always laughing when you picked her up. Every one else would come
in because the fall hurt...but not her! She wouldn't quit! One time she
came in after Chad had taken her with Chad's brother and she said,
"Mom, Jake flew off like five times. I only fell once, when it flipped, but he fell too."
My daughter is four right?
her thumb in the air...screaming "FASTER, Daddy, FASTER!"
to go faster...I just decided to only blog one of the 20 pictures!
and Alexis was always laughing when you picked her up. Every one else would come
in because the fall hurt...but not her! She wouldn't quit! One time she
came in after Chad had taken her with Chad's brother and she said,
"Mom, Jake flew off like five times. I only fell once, when it flipped, but he fell too."
My daughter is four right?
smile lasted all of 30 seconds. We started the boat and took a group for a few
whips and all I could hear from then on out..."Is it my turn yet?"
have on each other's life jacket...that it was a crazy ride for them, even?
and I got wasted when it flipped. I had a huge bruises. So you can imagine
my mood when he came around to pick me up after a horrible fall. I quit!
So Chad, his brother Jake, and his brother in law Patrick got on for a ride.
I, of course, was in the driver seat. Here they are before the ride!
Patrick said he swears he saw horns grow out of my head and smoke come
out my ears or something to that nature when I started the boat.
Can you their expressions...FEAR for your lives boys!
( looks like you may need to use the restroom you look so scared!)
I was in a BAD MOOD and someone was going to pay!
Hey, anyone want to come to the river with us?
my mood when he came around to pick me up after a horrible fall. I quit!
So Chad, his brother Jake, and his brother in law Patrick got on for a ride.
I, of course, was in the driver seat. Here they are before the ride!
out my ears or something to that nature when I started the boat.
Can you their expressions...FEAR for your lives boys!
( looks like you may need to use the restroom you look so scared!)
I was in a BAD MOOD and someone was going to pay!
Hey, anyone want to come to the river with us?
It ended in tears because it was too slow for her!
"Amber, why do you have a complex about your weight and
well, everything else for that matter?"
Chad's cute sisters. left to right. Katie, Alissa, Emily and Kelli wearing
one of the swim suits Katie designed for her new swim line.
Skinny, tan, gorgeous, fun, humble and not a mean bone in them!
In order to float we drive up river in a car. We were driving up a little road,
Alexis was thoroughly enjoying being in the car with no car seat and a bunch
of us girls were sitting on a tube in the back with doors and windows closed
of course. Someone made mention to hold onto Alexis in case the back door flew
open. Alexis asked "why?" to which I explained, "Well, if the door popped open you
would fly out the back and hit your head!" To which she replied, "That would be so
fun!" Then Chad's mom said, "I think you need to instill a little fear in that girl!"
8) The River House
this home is just perfect. I love the open layout...the rooms....well, just
about everything. (That's Chad fishing on the right! Another thing Alexis loves...
when Chad catches a trout he cooks it for her and every time she scarfs it down
like I would eat a twix bar, or brownies, or ice cream...but definitely not fish!)
And perfectly placed in the front of the house so you can see everyone
on the river!
Alexis: perfecting her back layout.
Carter was collecting things from around the house one day and I
just thought he was trying to own everything he saw. But then I noticed
he picked up 4 specific things.
1) "My WOPE" (a small ski rope left on the grass by the stairs close to the dock)
2) "My FAG" (a small plastic flag from a cheap kids golf set up next to the side of the house)
3) "My BOAT" (a large blow up raft he had been floating down the river in earlier)
4) "My JACKET" ( his life jacket hanging up to dry)
Here is the workings of my two year old and his 4 things! He did this all by himself.
on the river!
just thought he was trying to own everything he saw. But then I noticed
he picked up 4 specific things.
1) "My WOPE" (a small ski rope left on the grass by the stairs close to the dock)
2) "My FAG" (a small plastic flag from a cheap kids golf set up next to the side of the house)
3) "My BOAT" (a large blow up raft he had been floating down the river in earlier)
4) "My JACKET" ( his life jacket hanging up to dry)
Here is the workings of my two year old and his 4 things! He did this all by himself.
he looped his ski rope around the boat and handed Alexis the flag and
told her to get in the boat. Then he grabbed the ski rope and yells, "HIT IT!"
Alexis smiles with a huge grin and takes the other handle to use as a wheel!
the flag goes up and you are done with your turn..because apparently
he decides when you fall and are done!
Longest post ever...I know! I have to beat my previous "longest posts ever" some how! We love the river. We had lots of fun and I have a funny and scary story...I'll share in the next post..since this is getting out of hand. Boy, time flies when Chad and Tad are next to me playing HALO at 1:30 am. I never pay attention to time when I'm blogging and I know this will be a problem when I go back to Primary tomorrow..I mean today! Maybe, I'll start primary like this: "Welcome to Primary...PLEASE BE NICE to me...I just got back from vacation and I wasted my whole night blogging last night!" That should go over well!