Saturday, February 27, 2010

Parenting Secrets: How to catch your child in a lie!

Two nights before Christmas I came home from work. As I walked in the door Chad walked out to run some errands.

Carter: "Mommy, can I leave the table now."

Me: "What did Daddy tell you?"

Carter: "He said eat 4 more bites."

Me: "Well, did you?"

(delayed response)

Carter: "Uh huh."

Me: "Carter, are you sure?"

Carter: "Uh huh."

Me: "Alright, if you ate all 4 bites and you are telling me the truth then you can leave the table."

Carter: "Yep, I did." (As he hops off the chair.)

Me: "Ok, Carter but Jesus was watching you and he knows if you ate four bites."

Carter: "Uh huh. I did." (He starts walking away.)

Me: "And Santa Claus was watching you."

He freezes in his walk, quickly turns around, and walks back to his seat stating:

"Maybe, I should eat a few more bites."

Santa Clause vs. Jesus
Immediate gratification vs. delayed gratification.

I think it's safe to conclude a 3 year old DOES NOT understand the latter.


Heidi said...

thats so great!

Tamsyn said...

That is priceless!! I love it!

Jenni said...

I'm dying of laughter...what a funny little guy!!!

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness! That's hilarious!

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness! That's hilarious!